The History of Dental Implants
Although they seem like a modern invention, dental implants were actually created thousands of years ago. Ancient civilizations were known to have used dental implants as long as 4000 years ago! Around this time, the Chinese had discovered a way to insert bamboo pegs into the mouth, replacing missing teeth. Also, in Egypt, citizens were practicing similar styles of dental implant procedures, but with ivory instead. It’s clear that both these civilizations knew, having healthy teeth, meant being a healthy person.
Later, it was also discovered that even the Mayans had been able to repair broken and missing teeth with stone, or carved shells to fit into the spaces. From 600 AD and forward, they had discovered a way to fuse the teeth they had created, to the jawbone itself, for a rather permanent solution similar to how we create dental implants today.
Today, dental implants have evolved...