Swedish And Deep Tissue Massage, What’s The Difference
We’ve got very many types of massage therapies including aromatherapy, sports, thai massage, couples, deep tissue, and Swedish massage. But many clients tend to confuse deep tissue and Swedish massage. Let me take this opportunity to clear the air on these two awesome massage therapies.
Deep tissue massage targets the deep tissue structure of the fascia and the muscles also referred to as the connective tissues while Swedish massage focuses on keeping the body relaxed through the use of open hand techniques.
Deep tissue focuses on the release of muscle tension and chronic knots (adhesions) in the muscle that is to say it uses a lot more pressure to relieve soreness and pain from the muscles. Swedish on the other hand uses limited or controlled pressure to help your muscles to relax and improve blood circulation around the body.
Deep tissue can also break up and eliminate scar tissue from previous injuries, usually a common problem when stressed muscles block nutrients and oxygen from circulating freely in your body thus causing inflammation and toxin build up. Swedish on the other hand is skin deep and cannot break up to release the built up toxins.
Again in deep tissue massage you need to understand the superficial layers of tissues that have to be worked on first before going deep. Because of this deep tissue uses ideal techniques to warm or relax the muscles to break it down first such as thai massage, acupressure, and compression. And Swedish is also among the techniques used to break down these muscles in deep tissue.
Unlike Swedish massage that only uses the hand and the forearm, Deep Tissue Massage will use elbows, fingers, ceramic, wooden, or even glass tools for optimal penetration of these compact layers of muscles.
Because of the techniques used that includes slower massage strokes, and prior muscle warm up, Deep Tissue Massage takes a longer duration than Swedish depending on how much you pay and what duration you pay for. In fact you will realize that the therapist may apply pressure on the troubled spot, hold it for a few minutes before moving on for extra relief.
Additional Facts
The best Deep tissue massage will be carried out with a trained Deep Tissue massage therapist. They will have it as their specialty and be holders of recognized certification for the same. While Swedish massage falls under the classic massage certification, and is usually made up of basics.
Deep Tissue massage may come with some soreness after the therapy but that shouldn’t worry you as it will go away within a day or two. During the massage it will not hurt but it could feel a little uncomfortable than your everyday massage. But if you feel much pain, tell your therapist.
The most ideal way of recovering from deep tissue massage however is by soaking in a warm bath with Epsom salt. This will help to get more toxins out of your body and leave you relaxed. Trust me, deep tissue massage is always awesome with guaranteed results.